Navigating the new normal: the virtual court

Practical pointers for advocates adapting to the virtual courtroom.

By and - 6 min read

Search warrants and the ‘fourth estate’: recent judgments

Were the raids on Newscorp and the ABC valid? The verdicts are in but the controversy continues.

By - 6 min read

Is Weissensteiner dead? High Court charts a new direction in Strbak v The Queen

What can be made of an accused’s failure to give evidence in a criminal trial? Mark Tedeschi AM QC discusses.

By - 7 min read

Understanding the High Court’s acquittal of Cardinal George Pell

An analysis of the The High Court’s verdict and its implications for the role of appellate courts in reviewing ‘unreasonable’ guilty verdicts.

By - 8 min read

Could the ‘Great Writ’ lie to release prisoners at risk from COVID-19?

With prisoners at greater risk than the general population from COVID-19, habeas corpus is considered as a remedy for the release of vulnerable prisoners.

By - 6 min read

Homicide and causation: The High Court decision in Swan v The Queen

Mark Tedeschi AM QC discusses the fascinating recent High Court decision that has effectively extended the law of causation in homicide cases.

By - 6 min read

New tendency and coincidence laws edge closer in NSW

An expert analysis of the tendency and coincidence evidence reforms imminent in NSW.

By - 6 min read

The right to silence in NSW: new study delivers some compelling findings

A recent peer-reviewed academic study highlights correlations between the right to silence and mitigated outcomes for socially marginalised criminal defendants in the summary jurisdiction.

By - 7 min read

New sentencing statistics now available on the Judicial Information Research System

The JIRS statistics now include updated penalties which became available in September 2018 when the criminal penalty options in NSW were overhauled. By MARK ZAKI

By - 3 min read

The CDPP’s e-Brief Referral Guidelines: modernising the conduct of federal prosecutions

CDPP’s e-Brief Referral Guidelines to improve the efficiency of prosecutions. By ILAN LEWIS

By - 3 min read