Key developments
- Australian Securities and Investment Commission’s access to telecommunications intercept material
- Remake of the Oaths Regulation 2011
- Statutory Review of the Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012
- Amendment to Local Court Practice Note Crim 1
- New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal Revenue List Users Group meeting
- Sydney Public Reserves (Public Safety) Bill 2017
- ALRC review of Indigenous incarceration rates
- Compulsory Third Party Reform
- SME Conference: ‘Small Business – there’s still a lot happening’
Australian Securities and Investment Commission’s access to telecommunications intercept material
The Business Law and Privacy and Communications Committees provided a submission to the Law Council of Australia in relation to a proposal by the ASIC response taskforce that the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (Cth) (the ‘Act’) be amended to allow ASIC to access telecommunications intercept material under the Act (i.e. material that has already been intercepted by a law enforcement agency).
The Committees recognised the merits of the recommendation. The Privacy and Communications Committee noted, however, that this could create privacy issues and was a significant reform that may create a precedent for other agencies to also seek such access. It was noted that alternatives had not been fully considered. The Committees agreed that if the proposal progresses there will be a need to clearly delineate which of the offences that fall within the scope of ASIC’s regulatory work will be the basis for the provision of intercepted information by other agencies under the Act.