Congratulations on being among the first solicitors in NSW to embrace the revolution in conveyancing practice.
Q. What made you take the leap from paper to electronic conveyancing?
GEORGE PATRINOS (GP): I had long-standing clients who were familiar with the new electronic conveyancing system and wanted to try it. I was also interested to see if the new system was more efficient than my process and whether it was going to allow me to give a better level of service to clients. I am also interested in technology generally.
RICHARD HARVEY (RH): Well, technically I nearly got to complete a transfer but the transaction had to be settled in paper. The purchaser’s incoming mortgagee claimed they were unable to complete in PEXA because ‘it was out of scope on PEXA’. Because the purchaser was a company and mortgage duty may be payable, currently PEXA does not support this function. I have, however, completed five caveats for various purchaser clients.