Can we get to an affirmative 91.4 percent again?

Constitutional reform that can erase all, or even part of the historical damage of colonialism will not be achieved in one fell swoop.

By - 15 min read

What allegations of Alzheimer’s research fraud mean for patients

There have been recent allegations that research underpinning widely held understandings of what causes Alzheimer’s may be fraudulent

By - 3 min read

Gun control: what makes Australian and US laws so different?

Australia’s view has been that, when it comes to gun rights, history can be changed. For the better.

By - 4 min read

Why community legal centres are the “beating heart” of the legal profession

Recent events such as the 2022 floods, COVID-19 pandemic and 2019-20 bushfire season have caused an unprecedented demand for the legal assistance sector in NSW….

By - 7 min read

RESET Part 1: Hybrid Working

By - 4 min read

Could the four-day week work for law?

The prospect of a four-day work week is no longer a fantasy.

By - 10 min read

Meeting expectations

Is your diary filled with back-to-back meetings with no time for actual work?

By - 4 min read

How stress affects decision making

How can lawyers make the right choices during stressful times?

By - 4 min read