Sponsored feature promoted by Melbourne Law School
Designed to fit your busy schedule, the Melbourne Law Masters is a world-class program available to law and non-law graduates that deepens knowledge, sharpens practical skills and provides international perspectives in specialised legal fields.
Taught by more than 200 leading experts from Australia and around the world, the program offers an extraordinary range of subjects at the cutting edge of law, legal thinking and practice.
Most subjects are run intensively over five days, either from Monday–Friday or Wednesday–Tuesday (excluding the weekend).
Classes are taught in an interactive seminar style and sizes normally range from 20 to 30 students. This intensive format enables students from interstate or overseas to travel to Melbourne to attend class.
Subjects in the Melbourne Law Masters are available as single subject enrolments, either with or without assessment. Single subject study is an ideal way to learn more about a particular legal area, or sample one of the innovative subjects on offer in the Melbourne Law Masters.
In 2020 there are 19 new subjects available:
Administrative Law and the Tax System
Animal Law and Policy
Bringing in the People
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Law
Competition in Digital Markets
Core Principles of Contract
Digital Consumer Protection Law
Human Rights: Global Policy and Practice
Human Rights in Australia
Income Tax Compliance and Enforcement
International Law and Armed Violence
Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution
Law and Religion in Asia
Law, Science, Technology and Development
Migration, Diasporas and the Law
Multi-level Government
Pharmaceuticals: Current Legal Issues
Sports Duty of Care and Athlete Welfare
WTO Trade Remedies
Online subjects are also available in selected courses.
For more information on our masters degrees, graduate diplomas, specialist certificates and single subject study visit: law.unimelb.edu.au/masters